Management Consultants Professional Indemnity Insurance

Management Consultants Professional Indemnity Insurance

Quote and buy online - cover from all the big names...

Management Consultants are not simply faced with claims for breach of specific or implied contract terms, but are vulnerable to allegations and claims of negligence arising from failure to meet client expectations. The right professional indemnity insurance is essential. 

Policy highlights

Management Consultant Providing Training

Management Consultants professional indemnity insurance provides vital cover you need

Projects undertaken by Management Consultants may involve the identification of best practices, change management, technology implementations, and strategy development amongst many others areas. The degree of skill and care required remains that which should reasonably be expected of a competent person in that profession. Exposure to a potential professional indemnity claim exists in any situation where a client makes a business decision based on the perceived skill or expertise of the consultant.

Client demands place greater responsibilities on those providing professional services than ever before, and greater contractual responsibilities leave consultants more vulnerable to being sued.

Scope of cover

Policy wordings can differ

Professional indemnity policy wordings can differ between insurers. We recommend that you refer to us for advice regarding any aspect of policy cover, or alternatively read your policy schedule and policy wording to ascertain the full level of cover provided and any significant exclusions.

Professional Indemnity Proposal Form

We understand that your requirements may not be as simple as the questions asked on our online quote and buy system, therefore we ask that you complete our proposal form and send a completed copy to A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.