Two teenagers who are believed to have organised an unofficial and reportedly uninsured royal wedding party at Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow may now face legal action and a £25,000 clean-up bill.
The party was organised on the social networking site Facebook and was attended by almost 6,000 revellers. The event started off peacefully but soon descended into violence between party-goers and police, with 22 people being arrested and 11 people sustaining injuries.
Glasgow City Council, which was left with a £25,000 clean-up bill after the event, is now looking into taking legal action against those liable for the chaotic outcome of the party.
The council claims that it is unusual for large events of this kind to take place without the organisers negotiating with the council on planning arrangements and essential details such as first aid provision, toilets, health and safety and public liability insurance.
The council has also been reported as saying that the event was unplanned, unauthorised and that the organisers misled people into thinking they had sought and received permission to use the park for the party. A spokesperson said:
“It is not safe to have unplanned and unauthorised large-scale gatherings, as demonstrated by last Friday’s unfortunate events.”