Most companies have some kind of professional insurance, but this is often limited to just one kind of cover. If their situation changes or the threat of a lawsuit looms, this is when these companies think about adding something else to their business insurance policy.
However, taking out separate policies for different kinds of cover can be expensive, and it should never be done as an afterthought. All successful business owners will tell you that full cover for most risks, legal or otherwise, is essential. After all, the whole point of insurance is to act as a precautionary measure in case something should happen. You can’t predict every risk, but you can protect your company’s finances against most.
The main benefit of a comprehensive professional insurance package is that everything is covered under one policy. This generally means one set of paperwork, one premium to pay and one policy to keep track of.
What Does A Commercial Combined Insurance Policy Include?
Depending on the nature of the business, most of these kinds of package offer one or all of the following:
• Employers’ liability insurance
• Public liability insurance
• Buildings and office contents insurance
• Product liability insurance
• Money cover
• Business interruption insurance
• Commercial legal expenses insurance
If you are considering a comprehensive insurance package (also known as commercial combined insurance), it is highly recommended that you find a broker able to deliver a solution that is personally tailored to the needs of your particular business. Please contact a member of our team for further information.